Krop Lady Lightning Basketball

What makes a Good Captain

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What makes a Good Captain
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FiFi's Opinion: "Ya'll dont have to agree with it"

This is what i feel makes a team captain:" This is just something I want ya'll to think about..the ones that need to become leaders and the ones that deep down may have the potential to be a leader...



A good team captain is one who is a dominant leader. A captain, who leads by his/her actions rather than always words, one who looks out for his/her fellow team members on and off the court and has their back .Good team captains are the ones that pick you up when you’re down and encourage you keep striving for you goals rather than giving up the next time around. Captains are always analyzing what goes on in the games, as well as cheering or encouraging his/her teammates the whole time. If the captain is on the bench, he/she is the one standing and screaming every time a teammate makes a good play. (Building confidence in the players in the game) While your at home sleeping, their the ones in the gym working hard daily to improve their game for the better of the team and themselves. Good team captains also are the ones that always try to keep a blissful environment between the players, gives admiration (respect) to teammates, as well as always having an open mind to the opinions and implications (suggestions) from fellow teammates. Captains must be DEDICATED to his/her team as well as DEDICATED to their coaches (setting an example for younger players at all times). Their the ones always talking game plans with their coaches and working with the coaches to formulate ways in improving the team for their ultimate goal. A good team captain must be able to connect with his/her teammates on various levels and be disciplined as well as goal driven to carry out success for his/her team. Captains are the ones that take full responsibility for the way their team performed when they had a deprived game. A captain is one that is willing to assist their players in anyway possible. Whether, it’s staying a few hours after practice to working on things with a teammate, homework, or even just communicating with teammates giving guidance for any problems they throw at you. Good team captains also remember to have an optimistic outlook on a game (sometimes you lose and sometimes you win, and sometimes you throw “Temper-Tantrums”(LOL), but you always remember that with each game you acknowledge things that will help your team for the better next time around). Good team captains must also be able to balance their schoolwork with their games, practices and teammates and still be able to make time for other friends and family. I feel it’s a tough job but what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger!



-This is what I think makes a captain, and this can be you-

       “I believe you can do it, but it’s up to you to see HOW BAD YOU WANT IT”


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